CO2 reduction
The "green" Factor
We reduce CO2 emissions in navigation - worldwide & sustainingly - by 5 million tons per year.
According to a current study, fuel consumption by international cargo vessels amounts to about 280 million tons. In 2007, the annual emission of carbon dioxide by worldwide merchant shipping came up to 1.12 billion tons. By 2020, the continuing growth in international commercial navigation and the resultant fuel consumption will cause a 30% rise in CO2 emissions from shipping.
Fitting a 2,500 TEU container vessel with a Schneekluth wake equalizing duct (WED) results in a gain in the ship’s power of about 950 kW per hour, corresponding to a fuel saving of 4 tons per day. From 1 kg of ship fuel there originate about 2.98 kg of CO2 emissions. A daily saving of 4000 kg of fuel results in a reduction of emissions by about 12 tons per day and ship.
About 3,000 vessels have been equipped till date with a WED all the world over, totalling a saving in CO2 emissions by more than 5 million tons a year. This saving corresponds to the CO2 emissions by road traffic in the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein throughout 2015.
Referred to the overall CO2 emissions caused by road traffic in the Federal Republic of Germany, use of the WED equals as much as 11 "car-free" days a year!
Schneekluth WED vs. wind power
A well-placed wind power station generates a converted 2,000 full-load hours of current per year. The annual production of a plant with a power output of one megawatt thus comes up to two million kilowatt hours. The overall costs for building a plant of this type amount to about € 1,000,000.00.
The average household has an annual current consumption of 3,500 kWh. The above-referenced wind power station thus meets the requirement of 571 households. The fuel saving of 4 tons per day which results from the Schneekluth WED provides a gain in power of about 22,800 kW per day. On an average, a ship’s annual period of service comes up to about 300 days. 22,800 kW x 300 days = 6.8 MW per year. This corresponds to the requirement of more than 1,900 households - i.e. totals more than 3 times the output of a wind power station.
At the costs arising for the construction of just one wind power station from the above example, 11 Schneekluth WEDs can be built, providing an annual saving of 13,200 tons of fuel and 39,300 tons of CO2 emissions.
Take your decision now for a clean future!